Let's be honest. The main reason I'm posting this is because it's a fun story and we don't get many of those in the wildfire thread. That said, this NPR piece (part of their excellent reporting on Western wildfires) does hit on some important ongoing issues with the larger story.
As with the housing debate, everything you read about California fires has an essential economic subtext. These goats can do wonderful things for the land around your community, not just reducing the risk of fire, but removing some of the nastiest plants imaginable, but you'll notice that it is the wealthier neighborhoods that can and do take advantage of this. A similar issue came up recently in Pacific Palisades where wealthy poverty owners brought in private firefighters help save their homes and businesses.
A few months ago I was having lunch with an engineering professor and the conversation turned to the possibility of using biochar to dispose of forest waste. On the surface, it would seem to be a wonderful idea. You not only get rid of fuel for future wildfires; you also, in effect, remove carbon from the atmosphere and put it in a stable form where it can stay for hundreds of years, but try as we might, neither of us could see anyway to scale the process up to the massive levels we would need to make a dent in the problem in the immediate future.
Tools like grazing or mechanical clearing are very probably more scalable than biochar – – controlled burns almost certainly are – – but we are talking about millions upon millions of acres and as far as I can tell the only solution that can be applied at that level is simply letting more fires burn whenever possible.
Indifference (and in some cases, open hostility) toward solutions.
Though we probably can't clear out more than a fraction of the tinder that has built up in these forests over the past one hundred plus years, these goats provide us with a wonderful tool, particularly in and around wildland urban interfaces, with virtually no real downsides. Why aren't we moving forward on this as aggressively as possible and putting some real money behind it?
In California, wildfires are prevented by crews of unlikely firefighters: goats
August 10, 20235:00 AM ET
Vanessa Romo
The end of a quiet residential street in Glendale, Calif., is just one of many battlegrounds in the state's annual fight against wildfire season. And it's being waged by goats.
About 300 of them are spread out along the foothills and steep ridges of the Verdugo Mountains, which loom over multi-million dollar homes at the end of a cul de sac. The goats are busy chomping away on the dried-out vegetation that's exploded after this year's drought-busting rains.
Seemingly oblivious to the 94 F heat, the animals are hard at work devouring several acres of dead, yellowed grasses, scrubby bushes and cactus, as well as some of Southern California's most invasive plants, including star thistle and black mustard....
Even after more than a decade in the business, [Michael Choi, the owner of Fire Grazers Inc.] is still confounded by how the goats make such easy work of an array of prickly and painful plants.
"It's mind boggling that they'll even eat star thistle, considering it's so painful to grab," he said. "It's invasive. It just spreads everywhere. And if you try to weed whack it, you wind up getting poked in the face and then all over the body. But goats will come up to that and they'll just eat it up because it tastes good to them."
Choi's company is busier than ever this year after the drought-breaking rains of this past winter. The downpour led to more growth, which has led to greater demand. That, Choi said, has extended his season by a couple of months, from March through what potentially could be the early weeks of October....
And in a few hours, Choi will be transporting the group to their next job in Rancho Palos Verdes, another wealthy enclave surrounded by tough-to-climb terrain. It's one of about five sites the company has going. So far, Fire Grazers Inc. has been contracted by the cities of Torrance, Hidden Hills, Westlake Village, Orange County and even private homeowners with sprawling estates in Beverly Hills and Calabasas.
If it were up to [Patty Mundo, vegetation management inspector for the Glendale Fire Department], she'd lease the herd for a much longer stretch, she said. The city owns about 500 parcels of land, and with the budget that's allocated to fire prevention — $62,000, plus another $14,000 specifically for the goats — they can only afford to clear a fraction of it every year.
As it stands, Mundo said the goats have saved the city precious financial resources. Brush crews are far more expensive because they rely on power tools, which need fuel. "They have to use heavy equipment like chippers. And sometimes they have to take the vegetation to a landfill. So that's just an added cost," she said. There are also additional fees to remove poison oak, which is common in the Verdugo Mountains.
In contrast, all the goats need is water, mineral and salt blocks, and a large Anatolian shepherd dog to ward off coyotes. They can also climb up steep mountainsides, eat the poison oak and work under the blazing sun without suffering from heat stress or heat exhaustion....
Lynn Huntsinger, a professor of rangeland ecology and management at the University of California, Berkeley, noted targeted grazing works best when it's used in combination with other wildfire reduction measures, especially prescribed burning.
"In an ideal world, we would have used goats or sheep or even cows, after the big fires we've had in recent years," Huntsinger told NPR.
That would have had the greatest impact in eliminating noxious and invasive plants, because the animals would consume any regrowth of the unwanted vegetation, she explained.
And even in places where there has not been a fire, regular grazing routines over time can eventually exhaust the root stock, preventing them from resurfacing and permanently changing the biomass of the space. That's for the better, according to Huntsinger.
Thanks for the post. I'd love hear more about the unit economics of biochar in CA someday. (Also, I'm glad to have learned the name for those guys are "Anatolians;" they're great-looking dogs.)