Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A bit of a brisk start to the new administration

This is Joseph.

Well, this news has caused no end of concern today. I am not sure exactly what is happening and it seems like everybody is guessing. That seems to be a common theme this week. 

The good news is that it seems Elon Musk is getting ready to rescue us. It fills one with confidence when news media has these issues with reporting the names of office holder in important public positions of responsibility:
Wired declined to publish the names of two of the people because of their age. One graduated from high school last summer.

The good news is that this might be the end of the gerontocracy. The bad news is that it might be a bit longer than usual before we get a sense of what is happening. But, one way or the other, I think it definitely isn't great for morale among people who rely on government programs. 

We are also seeing the Twitter playbook being repeated for staff:

So at least Mr. Musk has experience with implementing this type of human resources strategy in a large and complex organization. I will leave it to Mark to opine on how likely that is to help, as Elon Musk is more his wheelhouse than mine. 

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