Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Return of Thursday Tweets -- “Cross of Doge” wins it this week

Let's start with representative Kimble.

Maybe it would be simpler if we gave people with children some kind of exemption for each child.

Rampell has always been in the impartial and nonpartisan school, but she's clearly getting fed up.

This part's also worth a listen.

Just to remind everyone, the obsession with having the right people breed is where the traditional far right meets the Silicon Valley variety, particularly the PayPal mafia.

On the subject of the MAGA/Techbro alliance:

It's been a while since we checked in on Elon.

Musk really needs people to start talking about those robots. See here and here for details.

He may have lost a step but he can still run circles around the pundit class.

One of the main worries about a Thunderdome convention was that various factions, particularly on the left, would set themselves up as kingmakers, locking Harris into unpopular positions and preventing her from taking advantage of openings like this.

On a related note.

In case you were wondering where the NYT finds all of those Biden voters who are switching to Trump.

We'll see how well Trump's attempt to deny ever having heard of his own platform will go over.

Sorry, ladies, but he's spoken for.

Only the body horror genre.

Because we need this...

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