Monday, August 5, 2024

Who reads the headlines, anyway? -- a tale told mostly in tweets


Saturday morning Twitter, or at least the corner of twitter that obsesses over politics and political journalism, started furiously exchanging takes triggered by this headline from the online version of the New York Times.

Political scientist Amy Fried appears to be the one who got the ball rolling at an embarrassingly early hour for a weekend.

The tweets tell the story here, but we'll set the stage first.

A few days ago, we ran a post about a piece by the New York Times editorial board which talked about how both sides could and should do more to facilitate debates, somehow failing to mention the facts that Harris had already been aggressively pushing for a debate while Donald Trump had just backed out of one. That piece so misrepresented what was actually going on that it crossed the line into distortion. This headline managed to do the same in a dozen words.

Just to get the obvious out of the way, there is no such thing as a unilateral agreement. Trump backed out of an agreed-upon debate giving a succession of sometimes contradictory reasons. He then made a counterproposal. An unserious counterproposal.

When the social media reaction started hitting critical mass, the NYT changed the headline without comment, but the damage was done.

The actual article didn't help.

The proposal itself was a poison pill, not to mention being completely at odds with the serious exercise in democracy the NYT had been pontificating about.

A bit off topic but still relevant.

It didn't take long for the usual suspects from Politico, the NYT, and the rest to start whining about the criticism. It did not go over well with the crowd.


You can read Marshall's excellent thread here.

"Anyway, my position remains that if you have a six-figure job in political media and strongly believe that nothing you do matters (and therefore you cannot be held to any standards for professional conduct), you should quit and let somebody who actually gives a shit have the job."  

Scott Lemieux

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