Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday Tweets (because spending New Year's Eve on Twitter would just be wrong)

Welcome to the world of climate gentrification.

"Little Haiti’s elevation  is 7 feet above sea level with pockets in the neighborhood that go as high as 14 feet above sea level. By comparison, Miami Beach is about 4 feet above sea level."

"One of these things is not like the other..."

Welcome to LA

Klein is making a tremendously important point here

It's a complex issue, but my initial impression is that this would have more pros than cons, assuming the city could force it through.

Of course C-level executive compensation is rational.

NYT = Hal900 Admitting that they were wrong drives both insane.

Must read

It's the wrapping paper budget that kills you.

This is a big story.

Kanefield has become the essential legal commentator for the Trump years. For those who lack the patience for really long threads, she also has blog versions.

This remains one of the best indications of real expertise in all fields.

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