Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tuesday Tweets

Starting with some news you can use.

Not Harwood, of course, but how many pundits have used the wealth tax as an example of Democrats risking electability by moving too far to the left?

I've noticed this too.

This should be a bigger story.

When actual engineers talk about drones and flying cars, noise pollution is one of the first things they bring up. Many (perhaps most) journalists skip that issue entirely.

Check out the whole thread.

Baker is terrible at his job.

But at least he has company in the office.

2016 showed us that the press still has a horrible problem with misogyny and that it's especially bad at the NYT.

Too many otherwise sober commentators have bought into the idea that all Trump has to do is hold the base. That line of reasoning never made any sense.

We've got your good billionaire press lords and we've got...

We'll be coming be coming back to this one.

I also wonder if the bankruptcies have something to do with which farmers (and companies) are getting the money.

Sincere question for those out there with relevant expertise, to what extent does the existence of today's unicorns depend on the innovations of the infamous Match King?

And finally, some yak karma. 

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