Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Actually, the kids' atomic energy lab wasn't as horrifying as you'd think, but the cabbage patch doll with a taste for human flesh...

Though it takes away a bit of the romance, the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Laboratory wasn't as dangerous as it sounds.

The professional journal IEEE Spectrum published a more-detailed review in 2020, discussing the kit in the context of the history of science education kits and safety concerns. It described the likely radiation exposure as "minimal, about the equivalent to a day’s UV exposure from the sun", provided that the radioactive samples were not removed from their containers, in compliance with the warnings in the kit instructions.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published a brief article on the web, which featured Voula Saridakis, a curator at the Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago) hosting a detailed video tour of the Atomic Energy Lab components. She concluded by saying that the kit failed to sell because of its high price, and not due to any safety concerns at the time.

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