I've already
mentioned that the
tests in this class were unusual; the way I studied for them was a
bit odd as well and though it wasn't a method that I'd recommend for
wide usage, in this context it worked well.
I was, in my younger days, something of
a procrastinator (a trait I've outgrown, of course, -- ask anybody).
Papers were generally started at the last minute but I did, at least,
make an effort to keep up with my reading (I was earning a BFA in
creative writing so writing and keeping up with my reading was pretty
much all that was asked of me).
Shakespeare was the exception with
reading assignments being pushed back to marathon sessions the
weekends before the tests. I wasn't that I didn't enjoy the material
-- I did -- but the plays required a commitment and a focus that made
them easy to put off.
I would therefore find myself with three or
four plays that I had to know in considerable detail forty-eight
hours after I cracked open my copy of the Riverside Shakespeare
(which I still have, by the way). It's difficult to imagine a worse
approach to studying but in this case it worked out surprisingly
I would spend the first couple of hours
cursing myself for being an irresponsible moron and calculating how
much sleep I'd be able to get if I continued reading at that glacial
pace. After that, though, something changed: the rate at which I was
reading increased; it became easier to focus; the characters became
more vivid and the stories more coherent.
It wasn't until after the second test
that I realized what was going on. Shakespeare is one of the most and
least accessible writers most of us will ever read. He wrote in
language that hasn't been used for centuries but if you can get past
those centuries of linguistic drift, you find someone who could hold
the interest of intellectuals like Ben Jonson while keeping what we
would now call the cheap seats cheering and stomping instead of
throwing rotten eggs.
If I would have shown some discipline
and diligently put aside an hour a night to study for that course I
would have devoted more time to it but I strongly suspect I would
have done worse and gotten less out of it. I doubt that
an hour, even an hour every night would have been enough time to
acclimate myself to the language; I would have spent my time
translating instead of reading. It took two or three hours to forget the plays weren't in the everyday vernacular.
It's important to note that waiting
till the weekend before a test then doing a marathon study session
would have been, in almost every other context, a horrible idea. Even
in cases where language is a barrier (which includes math), you'd
generally be better off working your way through in bite-sized
chunks, but the plays were written to be experienced in a single
sitting (or standing) and that's probably still how they work best.
So my experiences in that one class
shouldn't suggest a general approach to studying but it is another
reminder of the often made point that the "best"
pedagogical methods are context sensitive, varying from student to
student, teacher to teacher and subject to subject to subject. Beware
of blanket solutions.