[Note: 'SAT' refers to the SAT Reasoning
If you spend any time following the SAT
debate, you will frequently encounter some variation on the
All in all, the changes are intended
to make SAT scores more accurately mirror the grades a student gets
in school.
The thing is, though, there already
is something that accurately mirrors the grades a student gets in
school. Namely: the grades a student gets in school. A better way of
revising the SAT, from what I can see, would be to do away with it
once and for all.
Putting aside the questionable
assumption that the purpose of a colleges selection process is to
find students who will get good grades at that college, there is a
major statistical fallacy here, and it reflects a common but very
dangerous type of oversimplification.
When people talk about something being
the "best predictor" they generally are talking about
linear correlation. The linearity itself is problematic here – we
are generally not that concerned with distinguishing potential A
students from B students while we are very concerned with
distinguishing potential C students from potential D and F students –
but there's a bigger concern: The very idea of a "best"
predictor is inappropriate in this context.
In our intensely and increasingly
multivariate world, this idea ("if you have one perfectly good
predictor, why do you need another?") is rather bizarre and yet
surprisingly common. It has been the basis of arguments that I and
countless other corporate statisticians have had with executives over
the years. The importance of looking at variables in context is
surprisingly difficult to convey.
The explanation goes something like
this. If we have a one-variable model, we want to find the predictor
variable that gives us the most relevant information about the target
variable. Normally this means finding the highest correlation between
some transformation of the variable in question and some
transformation of the target where the transformation of the target
is chosen to highlight the behavior of interest while the
transformation of the predictor is chosen to optimize correlation. In
our grading example, we might want to change the grading scale from A
through F to three bins of A/B, C, and D/F. If we are limited to one
predictor in our model picking, the one that optimizes correlation
under these conditions makes perfect sense.
Once we decide to add another variable,
however, the situation becomes completely different. Now we are
concerned with how much information our new variable adds to our
existing model. If our new variable is highly correlated with the
variable already in the model, it probably won't improve the model
significantly. What we would like to see is a new variable that has
some relationship with the target but which is, as much as possible,
uncorrelated with the variable already in the model.
That's basically what we are talking
about when we refer to orthogonality. There's a bit more to it – –
we are actually interested in new variables that are uncorrelated
with functions of the existing predictor variables – but the bottom
line is that when we add a variable to a model, we want it to add
information that the variables currently in the model haven't already provided.
Let's talk about this in the context of
the SAT. Let's say I wanted to build a model predicting college GPA
and, in that model, I have already decided to include high school
courses taken and their corresponding grades. Assume that there's
an academic achievement test that asks questions about trigonometric
identities or who killed whom in Macbeth. The results of this test
may have a high correlation with future GPA but they will almost
certainly have a high correlation with variables already in the
model, thus making this test a questionable candidate for the model.
When statisticians talk about orthogonality this is the sort of thing
they have in mind.
The SAT works around this problem by
asking questions that are more focused on aptitude and reasoning and
which rely on basic knowledge not associated with any courses beyond
junior high level. Taking calculus and AP English might help
students' SAT scores indirectly by providing practice reading and
solving problems so we won't get perfect orthogonality but it will
certain do better in this regard than a traditional subject matter
This is another of those posts that sits in the intersection of a couple of major threads. The first concerns the SAT and how we use it. The second concerns orthogonality, both in the specific sense described here and in the general sense of adding information to the system, whether through new data, journalism, analysis or arguments. If, as we are constantly told, we're living in an information-based economy, concepts like orthogonality should be a standard feature of the conversation, not just part of statistical esoterica.