Friday, July 12, 2024

This isn't the video where she calls Steven Pinker a dick, but you can't have everything

Finally got around to watching this video by physics post-doc Angela Collier, recommended by frequent commenter David, and I'm giving it a strong recommendation as well, albeit with a caveat or two. It is (as mentioned in David's comment) too long, partly because it could do with some editing, but mainly because it consists of two halves which, though related, might work better as two freestanding videos, both of which would be very good.

The first part is a discussion of what makes a cranck, why otherwise smart and accomplished people can be sucked down the rabbit hole by obsessing over fringe ideas. Collier also talks about how others can do something similar and yet maintain their equilibrium. Her example of the first is Francis G. Perey and his belief that he had disproven Bell's theorem. Her example of the second is Luis Walter Alvarez, who investigated such kook-friendly topics as the JFK assassination, pyramids, and dinosaurs, but rather than damaging his reputation, greatly enhanced it (especially with that last category).

The second part takes a deep dive into the self immolation of Harvard's Avi Loeb, who as regular readers already know, has gone from being one of the world's leading astrophysicists to a crank who sees proof of alien technology pretty much everywhere. Loeb has been a major player in our UFO thread. This video fills in the some missing and particularly damning details.

Collier as posted a number of videos on physics and science journalism. From what I've sampled they're all worthwhile (though, as previously mentioned, a good editor wouldn't hurt).

harvard & aliens & crackpots: a disambiguation of Avi Loeb 


  1. Do you have a link to the video about Pinker (I can't find it)? Thanks

    1. "Gell-Mann Amnesia and Michio Kaku"
