Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Come for the Brian Eno quote, stay for the cultural insights

In addition to the great quote, I'd say this was exceptional work from Bob Chipman but I don't think you can be characteristically exceptional (seems like an oxymoron). He does a great job walking at critical tightrope, maintaining his objectivity while giving an evocative account of his subjective reactions to the film.

Much of the review is devoted to the story behind the movie, a passion project decades in the making that was completed after the creator's death through the hard work of friends and fans. Chipman talks with well-earned nostalgia about stop action animation the film was built around and, based on the clips shown here, the work is excellent. He also places this picture in the larger context of independent filmmaking and be rather uncertain point we find ourselves at.

Highly recommended across the board.

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