Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday tweets (we're thinking of advertising on the platform, but we'll need to scrape together the $10)

No tweets about the war but an observation that lots of people of people are making. Twitter used to be the place that you went to follow a big story in real time. That's one of the things Musk has managed to ruin about the site.

And it's not just Fox

After all these tweets, I finally go viral before Elon destroys the site.

It's important to have the support of family.

I assume the reasoning is that this positive press will prime the pump and the MSM will jump on the bandwagon, but given that the anti-vax wing of the party is pissed with Trump while most Dems have grown to hate RFK jr, this could go all sorts of interesting ways.

While the intent of the post may have been to satirize rather than to inform, learning that Rodger's dad was a chiropractor fills in a lot of the picture.

When I got to the part about needing unemployment to rise, I thought it was going to be about inflation, not the childish need to see employees grovel.

In other tech super-genius news...

They watch Fox so you won't have to.


A blogger named Matt Campbell has been pulling at threads dangling from the Huckabee Sanders administration and things are starting to unravel.

Yeah, the GOP moderates were so undemanding they were practically invisible.

"National Security Reporter @ForeignPolicy"

Maybe it's an exercise in constrained writing, like a lipogram.



Yes, I did have to look it up.)

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