Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tuesday Tweets -- Special Edition

I'm planning on coming back and filling in some ideas about how things got this bad, but I think the overall pattern is pretty obvious without a lot of comment. I will say that I taught high school for years and comparing the DC press corps to a HS lunchroom is deeply unfair to the kids.

We have twenty years of Harris's job history which is almost impossible to reconcile with this narrative, particularly given Hohmann's reporting is heavy on unsourced rumors (starting with the first sentence), unnamed sources, editorializing ("uneven," "awkwardly"), and bitter ex-employees from almost a decade ago. 

Then there's the cookware scandal.

And it gets worse.

The context for all of this is a history of misogynistic coverage of Clinton and Warren. The vagueness of the charges, the constant implications of being distant or unlikeable, all of this has a disturbingly familiar ring.

All of which gets more attention than what appears to be a billion-dollar laundering scheme for bribes

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