Friday, May 5, 2023

Deferred Thursday Tweets -- sometimes it's easier to sell the solution people know they don't understand

Three good threads from Paul Krugman discussing the administration's options for dealing with the debt limit hostage situation (though you might want to do a little background reading first).

An important aspect of the crisis is that the hostage-takers' demands are so politically toxic that the people making them are simultaneously denying them, which is allowing Biden an opportunity to indulge in a little snark.

Speaking of old guys who are still goddamn sharp.

I've always felt the Kennedys (with the possible exception of Ted) were overrated, but they still deserve better than this clown.

While on the subject of Ukraine...


NYT pitchbot should start charging a licensing fee.

The very fact that CPAC meets in Hungary makes further comment superfluous, but we won't let that stop us.

The kids are alright (and that bothers certain people).
To be fair, they can still be good citizens as long as their teachers don't encourage that sort of thing.


Why don't we play a game of solitaire...

Briefly checking in on the Tucker defenestration.


Meanwhile in Muskworld.

On a more general note, important threads from possibly the most important journalist on the EV beat.


Great thread on the tech behind the tech.

We need to talk more about framing.

More on regurgitative AI.

All kidding aside.

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