Over the weekend, Donald Trump gave a pair of speeches filled with lies and violent fantasies, racism, authoritarian and sometimes overtly fascist proposals. That alone should make the speeches newsworthy. We also saw delusions, loss of focus, bizarre boasts and odd fixations, and even moments of unintentional honesty. That too should make the speech newsworthy. On top of all that, we saw dwindling crowds, audiences that ranged from bloodthirsty to apathetic, and people literally leaving from the stands behind him as he was speaking. For a press corps obsessed with vibes and horserace stories, this should of been pure catnip.
To say that the press failed to capture what was going on in their reporting would be a gross understatement. To say that the press in many cases did not even try to capture what was going on in their reporting would be a gross understatement. To get a sense of where the Trump campaign is at the end of September, even at the very least need to look at the more notable moments from the weekend. To get a truer sense they need to be watched.
Trump in Prairie du Chien on migrants: "They will walk into your kitchen, they'll cut your throat." pic.twitter.com/B4UZyHgRAA
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 28, 2024
Trump: "Disgusting illegal alien who was let into the United States by Kamala and her lax law-- she, they, every one of my killer -- we had the, she had the, he had the, he would've never been able to get in. She stopped every single one of them." pic.twitter.com/jP8D9vdIjR
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 28, 2024
Trump on migrants: "These people are animals" pic.twitter.com/zpuJuSXeWK
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 28, 2024
The fact that he is reading these words off a teleprompter somehow makes it worse. Someone spent time writing this speech, and they wrote something that sounds like it came straight out of the average MAGA reply on this site. https://t.co/cr5xI4Gszd
— Tom Bonier (@tbonier) September 28, 2024
Trump: Most people don't have any idea what the hell a phone app is pic.twitter.com/indnzUDJ6S
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) September 28, 2024
Trump: "I had a hell of a life. Oh, those locations. Those beautiful. I could've been sunbathing on the beach. You have never seen a body so beautiful. Much better than sleepy Joe." pic.twitter.com/s1FD1sS84p
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 28, 2024
But at least the America First part is on brand.Lindbergh landed in Paris. https://t.co/q3s2KaYjHX
— David Frum (@davidfrum) September 28, 2024
Trump: All the stupid people said I fell into her trap. They said I fell into her trap. She can’t set a mental trap. I didn’t fall into her trap. There is no trap. I didn’t fall into her trap pic.twitter.com/5yaHJqexZe
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) September 28, 2024
Did they forget Trump wasn't supposed to know this guy?
Trump: In the words of Tom Homan...
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) September 28, 2024
(Tom Homan is a Project 2025 author) pic.twitter.com/jVvm7DBXG4
This is a small sample of the videos in this thread. For a better sense of what the speech was like, you should probably click through to the whole list, or even, if you are up to it, watch longer excerpts. You will find that in terms of disturbing rhetoric, or bizarre digressions, or authoritarian language, I did not cherry pick. Having watched these, take a minute and ask yourself what an accurate headline for this might be, then look at how Bloomberg described the event. (From veteran journalist Mike Jacobs.)
Trump is talking like Hitler and the news media act as if he’s talking like Eisenhower.
— Mark Jacob (@MarkJacob16) September 28, 2024
But perhaps the worst kind of sane washing is simply acting as if none of this even happened. This is the NYT front page from the next day.
Instead we got a heart-warming and apparently time-sensitive human interest story about Vance's mother.
In some ways, Sunday's speech was worse. Think about the implications of this.
Trump on theft: If you had one really violent day.. .. … One rough hour. And I mean real rough. The word will get out and it will end immediately. pic.twitter.com/DkOdULcV32
— Acyn (@Acyn) September 29, 2024
Trump: “Last week, a lot of people came in from the Congo. A big prison in the Congo. In Africa.”
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) September 29, 2024
This never happened.
A momentary lapse to honesty and the sort of slip that, in a normal campaign, would be sewn to the candidates shirt like a scarlet letter.
Trump: I hated to pay overtime. I hated it. I shouldn't say this, but I wouldn't pay it pic.twitter.com/JmmsYr1sWN
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) September 29, 2024
The disconnect between the fascist rhetoric and the audience reaction behind him reminds me of the Hitler scene in Zelig. https://t.co/AwtAXd5NDy
— Mark Palko (@MarkPalko1) September 30, 2024
Watch the woman in pink on the left. For most of the video, she manages to keep her face hidden. Check out her reaction around the 50 second mark when she realizes she's on camera.
For another unintentionally revealing moment, after you've processed the fact that no real reason was given to lock Harris up, check out what the camera reveals as it pans over the crowd spontaneously chanting "lock her up!"
Trump: Kamala Harris is a stupid person. I don’t care
— Acyn (@Acyn) September 29, 2024
Crowd: Lock her up, lock her up, lock her up pic.twitter.com/aQea2Lk0o7
You'll notice that several of the audience members in the stands behind him have left.
Does anyone actually believe that happened? Is it a lie? A fantasy? Does Trump at this point know the difference?Guys, he’s gone.. it’s over.. call it a day.. that’s a wrap.. bon voyage.. sayonara.. that’s the ball game.. pic.twitter.com/wysDlYAlg4
— 🇺🇦BostonBrian🇺🇸🦅 (@BostonBrian23) September 29, 2024
All of these would be good questions for journalists to be asking. As of early Monday morning, let's see how the New York Times has attempted to answer them.

"All the News That's Fit to Print."
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